Chapel (Every Thursday)
NRCA’s Chapel program aims to reach every student with gospel-centered messages that speak directly to their specific stage of life. Each week, we host four age-appropriate Chapel services on campus.
Elementary Chapel
Elementary Chapel focuses on character and missions. We use an engaging faith-based curriculum to communicate the gospel message through NRCA and local area speakers. When students leave Chapel, they will return to their classrooms, where teachers will lead them in discussing the Chapel lesson in a small group format. To foster a greater understanding of the Great Commission in action, individual classes will also rotate sharing about their missions partnerships and projects each week. Parents are welcome to join their students for these assemblies.
Middle and High School Chapel
Middle and high school Chapel services feature local student pastors and leaders who address a variety of topics during the school year. Typically, Chapel series run for around four weeks and center on a common theme. These themes are announced at the beginning of each school year.
We invite parents, grandparents, and families to listen in on Chapels from work or home via livestream and recordings.

Chapel Series 2024-2025

Spiritual Emphasis Week
NRCA desires to foster a spirit of community among our students and families while partnering with local churches and ministries to provide opportunities to worship and grow together in our faith. One of the ways we do this is through our annual Spiritual Emphasis Week every September.
During these three days, our student body focuses on growing deeper in their faith by diving into the Word of God and worshiping alongside one another. Students attend Chapel services during the school day and have the opportunity to participate in evening services. Those who attend the evening services receive a homework pass at the end of the night that excuses them from all homework due the next day. Spiritual Emphasis Week also includes many opportunities for students to continue conversations about the messages with their teachers and peers.
Although this event is geared toward our middle and high school students, families and friends are welcome to attend.
Spiritual Emphasis Week 2024 takes place on Sept. 23-25 and features speakers Chris Dew and Shaq Hardy, with Matt Buckland leading worship. Learn more below about the SEW 2024 teaching and worship leaders who will guide us to a deeper understanding of God's Word and His plan for our lives.
Meet NRCA's Dean of Spiritual Formation and Discipleship