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Campus Life

Introduction to Campus Life 

“Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him.”
Colossians 2:7  


Our heart for Campus Life is to see our students come to a greater knowledge of their Creator as they discover the majesty and glory of God and identify the ways that he has uniquely gifted each one of them. As our students recognize their gifts and passions, we hope to introduce them to ways they can impact others for Christ.  


At NRCA, students will encounter Scriptural truths through not only their weekly Chapel, but also in their Bible classes, athletics, fine arts, and events. We foster discussions with our students that help them to engage the topics of their culture with the truth of the Scriptures. 


Throughout all aspects of Campus Life, we work to help establish rhythms in our students’ lives that allow their roots to grow deep so that they will reflect Christ to their community. We want to cultivate hearts dedicated to the love of God and the love of neighbor. 


NRCA partners with our local churches in our desire to make evident the value of being engaged in a local community of believers while also providing opportunities for our students to serve alongside them. To that end, we actively encourage our students to participate in student ministry, mission trips, community service, and other activities with their local church as their first-choice options for growing and serving.  


Our hope in all that we do is for our students to recognize the identity and calling that God has placed on their lives and to continue to serve him well beyond their time at NRCA. 

Overview of Campus Life Ministries
Chapel Overview

One of our weekly rhythms features a time when students come together to worship alongside each other through singing and time in the Word. 


In middle and high school, Chapel worship is student-led by a Chapel praise band of their peers. Our time worshipping in song creates a space for our students not only to worship their Creator but to do so in community with one another.  


Chapel speakers are primarily student ministry staff or senior pastors from local churches. While we do occasionally have guest speakers from outside our community, we recognize that gifted teachers from our area are uniquely familiar with the specific culture our students navigate.  


We recognize that our students are surrounded by cultural voices taking aim at their hearts and seeking to impact their worldview, so our time in Chapel together aims to speak the truth of the Scriptures into those conversations. Our hope is that the truths shared in Chapel will foster in our students a heart for loving God and loving their neighbor. 


Additional information about our Chapel themes and speakers is available on our Campus Life Chapel web page.  

Clubs foster community among NRCA middle and high school students, allowing them to build peer relationships centered on common interests. God has gifted our students in many different ways, and we want to see them grow and develop those areas of passion to impact the school, the surrounding community, and the world.  


For detailed information about NRCA’s middle and high school clubs, please visit the Clubs web page.  

Meet NRCA's Student Life Director
Mr. Josh Leonard

(919) 573-7900, x7956

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